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Instructions to authors

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  • Instructions to authors

Aims and scope

1. The Journal of Critical Care Nursing is the official journal of the Korean Critical Care Nursing Society. Korean Society of Critical Care Nursing (KSCCN) is devoted to the dissemination of groundbreaking research on theories, practices, and education of critical care nursing. Research on other subject areas or issues that contribute to critical care nursing are published at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

2. Publication of the Journal Published three times a year (February 28, June 30, October 31).

Research and Publication Ethics

1. The manuscript related to the human subjects drawn from human should receive the informed consent according to the rule of Institutional Review Board (IRB) of author’s institute. Research should be approved by an institutional review board prior to the data collection. The procedures should be in accordance with the ethical standards of the IRB of author's institute and with the Helsinki Declaration principles.

2. When animals are used as research subjects, the study must be conducted in correspondence with related regulations such as those of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs), or National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Any treatment methods in conflict with the regulations must be described and may be grounds for rejection of the paper.

3. When necessary, the editor may ask the author(s) to present the relevant document(s) on the human rights and protection issues related to the manuscript, such as the informed consent form or the evidence for the IRB approval of the study.

4. Composition of Publishing Ethics Committee

  • 1) The Editorial Ethics Committee consists of 5 members including the editorial chairman.
  • 2) Publication ethics committee shall be appointed by the chairperson of publishing chairperson and appointed by the board of the Korea Society of Critical Care Nursing (hereinafter referred to as the board).
  • 3) If there is a problem related to the research ethics in relation to the contribution or publication, the chairperson of the publication shall hold the publication ethics committee. Decisions of the Publishing Ethics Committee shall be made after approval by the Board of Directors.

5. Authors should not produce, record, or report non-existent data and results, and should not change or omit data. Authors should also avoid producing multiple publications (“salami slicing”) from content that should be only one substantial manuscript. Manuscripts that do not follow the international ethical standards of research and publication (i.e., those that involve fabrication, falsification, salami slicing, plagiarism, or simultaneous/duplicate submission) will not be considered for publication in KSCCN. The editorial board will adjudicate the specific reasons for rejection. If plagiarism is discovered in the manuscript, the manuscript will not be published.

6. Duplicate publication or duplicate submission is prohibited. Manuscripts that have been published or are being submitted to other journal(s) should not be submitted to KSCCN. Manuscripts that have been published or are currently under consideration for publication in KSCCN must not be submitted to another journal.

  • 1) Decision criteria for duplicate publication: The manuscript has never been published in another language, or in any medium—print, electronic media, or an academic journal.
  • 2) The corresponding author must obtain approval from the editor-in-chief of each of the related journals if s/he wishes to reprint the published manuscript in another language.
  • 3) The editorial board will determine the nature and degree of duplicate publication or duplicate submission of the manuscript.

7. If a published paper is found to be plagiarized or duplicated, we will take actions according to the following procedure.

  • 1) We will disclose the facts and reasons for withdrawal of the paper.
  • 2) Upon notice of a duplicate submission, submission privileges to will be suspended for 3 years.
  • 3) We will announce in homepage of KSCCN.
  • 4) We will notify the Korea Citation Index about the details.
  • 5) For papers written with the support of the research grant, we will notify the research support institution of the details.

If there is any violation of other ethical rules, the Editorial Ethics Committee decides on the measures to be taken in consideration of the severity of the issue.

Submission of Manuscripts

1. Members of this Society may submit papers, and non-members may submit in the following cases. Corresponding authors should be members of the Society.

  • 1) When the members collaborated with members of the Society.
  • 2) When the members received recommendation from director of this Society.

2. The manuscript must be submitted online through https://ksccn.jams.or.kr/ (website of Korean Society of Critical Care Nursing (KSCCN)).
After the acceptance of the manuscript, the author must submit the copyright transfer agreement. Manuscripts should be written in Korean or English. After the acceptance of the manuscript, the author must submit the copyright transfer agreement and conflict of interest disclosure statement. Please send title page and author’s checklist to <ksccn.editor.2022@gmail.com>. For more information, please visit the homepage of the Korean Critical Care Nursing Association and refer to 'Guide to using the online thesis submission system'. Should there be any question on how to use the online submission system, authors may contact the office (Publishing board) of KSCCN.

3. Do not submit a manuscript that does not meet the submission requirements.

4. The author is responsible for the following fees: a reviewing fee, a publication fee, a special typesetting fee, and the printing fee for each volume of the paper.

5. All manuscripts are treated as confidential. They are peer reviewed by at least 3 anonymous qualified reviewers within a few days of submission to determine whether they adhere to the journal’s policies and fit the submission guidelines. The editor-in-chief of KSCCN will make the final decision regarding the manuscript’s publication based on the reviewers’ comments and the scientific merits of the manuscript.

6. The author is responsible for proofreading of the manuscript.

Preparation of Manuscripts

General Instructions

1. Manuscripts should be written in Korean or English. The bibliography and abstract should be written in English.

2. The manuscript should be organized in the following order: title page, inner cover page, English abstract, text, references, tables, and figures. Each section should be clearly delineated.

  • 1) The title page should be organized in the following order: title of manuscript, names of all authors (with highest academic degrees and affiliations including titles, department, and name and location of institutions to which the work should be attributed), name of corresponding author, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, type of manuscript, number of references (no more than 30), number of words of the English abstract (no more than 200 words), Korean keywords, additional comments.
  • 2) The inner cover page only describes the title of manuscript. Do not make any indications relating to the author.

3. The manuscript including the abstract, text, references, tables, and figures should be no more than 20 pages (Except title page and inner cover page). It is number 1 from English abstract. Page numbers appear at the bottom of each page.

4. The manuscript should be typed in a file compatible with Hancom Office, or Microsoft Word with an A4 paper size layout. The margins of the paper should be set as follows: top 30 mm, bottom 25 mm, left 25 mm, and right 25 mm. A 10-point font size should be used, and the text should be double-spaced (using Times New Roman).

5. Medical terms must be based on the recent edition of "Standard Nursing Terminology" published by Korean Society of Nursing Science and "English-Korean Medical Terminology" published by Korean Medical Association (3rd edition).

6. Abbreviations used: If authors choose to use an English abbreviation, the full spelling must be used upon first mention, and the abbreviation may be used thereafter. The title should not include any abbreviations.

7. Standard abbreviated words and units: Authors should refer to Citing Medicine: APA (American Psychological Association) Publication Manual 6th Edition.

8. The research tools used in the thesis should be approved by the original author.

Type of manuscript

One of the following should be noted:
Review article, Quantitative research, Qualitative research, Concept analysis, or Q methodology.

Manuscript Sections

1. An abstract of up to 200 words for articles (including reviews) should be typed double-spaced on a separate page. It should cover the main factual points, including statements of the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. The abstract should be accompanied by a list of three to five keywords for indexing purposes. The keywords should be a specific as possible and drawn from the list of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) keywords (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html).

2. Composition of manuscript

  • ① The text should be composed in the following order: introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, conflict of interest statement, and references.
  • ② Introduction: This section should clearly state the need for this study and the main question or hypothesis of the study. A literature review or summary of background information related to the study should be presented.
  • ③ Methods: This section should describe the study design, setting and samples, ethical considerations, measurements/instruments, data collection/procedure, and data analysis used. If the study is qualitative, the research instrument can be omitted.
  • ④ Results: The main results should be summarized in concise paragraphs. Levels of statistical significance and confidence intervals should be noted where appropriate.
  • ⑤ Discussion: The discussion should be based only on the reported results. It is recommended that the discussion reflect advances in nursing practice, and nursing knowledge development.
  • ⑥ Conclusion: Conclusions and recommendations for further study should be presented here, but the study results should not be summarized again.

Citation of the literature in the text

1. Standard abbreviated words and units: Authors should refer to Citing Medicine: APA (American Psychological Association) Publication Manual 6th Edition. It is the responsibility of the submitting author(s) to confirm that APA 6th style guidelines are adhered to prior to final publication.

2. When citing a document in the text, indicate the family name with the year of publication.

3. Parentheses are separated by spaces in front of parentheses when English or number is written, and space is not provided when Korean is written.

4. Follow the rules according to the number of authors.

  • 1) If the citation has one or two authors, all of the authors should be indicated in the text.
    • Example: Peak and Choi (2003) presented…....
    • Example: (Kim & Cho, 2011).
  • 2) If the authors are from 3 to 5 people, the first citation should include the last name of each person, and if the same citation is cited again, include the last name, etc. or et al.
    • Example: Kim, Jung and Han (2002) presented….... in the first citation // Kim et al. (2002) presented….... from the second citation
    • Example: (Lee, Johnson, & Smith ,1995). in the first citation // (Lee et al., 1995). from the second citation
  • 3) For more than six authors, list the first six followed by et al. and years.
    • Example: Jooe at al. (2004) presented ... in all citations
    • Example: (Smith et al., 2011). ... in all citations
  • 4) The authors of same family name: If two or more articles are published in the same year by authors with the same gender, write the first letter of the gender and the name to prevent confusion.
    • Example: Premenstrual syndrome (Kim, H., 2006; Kim, J., 2006)
  • 5) Multiple citations
    • ▶ Multiple citations of the same author should be in chronological order, separated by ",", and author names are not repeated for each article.
      Example: (Kim, 2006, 2007)
    • ▶ In the same year, by the same author, the papers are attached with a, b, c, etc. after the year, and the year is not repeated.
      Example: (Kim, 2004a, 2004b)
  • 6) When other authors are cited in the same text within the text, use ";" in parentheses in alphabetical order.
    • Example: Effect of stress management intervention (Chau & Chang, 1999; Hong, Park, Kim, & Kim, 1998b; Kim, 2006).

5. For direct quotation, use quotation marks for short quotations (less than 40 words), and for long quotations (40 words or more), start a new paragraph with a 0.5-inch left indentation for the entire quote. Fill in the page of the section directly quoted after filling out the year of performance.

  • ▶ Examples of short direct quotes
    • If effectiveness is defined, "effectiveness is the ratio of actual performance to target performance" (Lee & Oh, 2011, p.5).
  • ▶ Examples of long direct quotes
    • Predictive theory can be explained as follows.
    • Predictive theory is accomplished when the relationships between concepts are stated and the relational statements can describe future coherent results. Predictive theory seeks to predict a clear relationship between concepts. In most cases, experimental research is used to build and test predictive theories (Koh, 2016, p.59).

Reference List

1. The literature cited in the text must be included in the bibliography. References should be limited to 30 or less and listed alphabetically by author's last name. Publications by the same author are listed chronologically.

2. References should be written in English: The APA 6th Style Guide. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.
Example: Abbott, A. A., Barnason, S., & Zimmerman, L. (2010). Symptom burden clusters and their impact on psychosocial functioning following coronary artery bypass surgery. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 25(4), 301-310.

3. If there are more than two authors, follow the format below.

  • 1) If the authors are two, insert & between the author names.
    Example: Johnson, D. T., & Park, S. E. (1998).
  • 2) If the authors are from 3 to 7, put & in front of the last author's name.
    Example: Winston, M., Lee, J., Johnson, T., Koo, M. J., Miller, K, Cornell, A., & Hardy, M. A. (2011).
  • 3) If there are more than 8 authors, mark the “. . . “ after the 6th authors.
    Example: Kim, H. S., Park, M. J., Kernig, L. L., Holand, C. A., Baker, J., Williams, T., . . . Jung, E. H. (2010).

Reference List Example

(1) Journal articles

  • Example: Cosgrove, L., &Riddle, B. (2003). Constructions of femininity and experiences of menstrual distress. Women's Health, 38 (3), 37-58.
  • Example: Kim, H. W. (2006). The effects of a PMS nutritional education program for college students. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 36, 1164-1174.

(2) Magazine articles

  • Example: Duenwald, M. (2005, January). The psychology of facial expressions, Discover, 26, 16-17.

(3) Newspaper articles

  • Example: Mayer, C. E. (2005, January 7). Group takes aim at junk-food marketing. The Washington Post, p. E2.

2) Books

(1) Entire book: authors’ name. (year of publication). title (number of editions). place of publication: publisher.

  • Example: Frey, P. D., Smart, M. J., & Walker, S. A. (2004). Standards of practice for teachers: A brief handbook. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.

(2) Chapter in a book: Unit

  • Example: Munshaw, B. (2004). Respiratory failure. In J. Lee & K. Lawrence (Eds.), Critical care nursing (pp. 212-250). London, England: Rand Publications.

(3) Second or more edition of book

  • Example: Maag, J. W. (2004). Behavior management: Form theoretical implications to practical applications (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth-Thomson.

3) Dissertations and Theses

authors’ name. (year of publication). title (type of certificate). University, place of publication, country.

(1) Doctoral dissertation: authors’ name. (year of publication). title (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University, place of publication, country.

  • Example: Killgore, L. (2004). Beyond the merit of test scores: Gatekeeping in elite college admissions (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Brown University, Providence, USA.

(2) Master's thesis: authors’ name. (year of publication). title (Unpublished master's thesis). University, place of publication, country.

  • Example: Kwon, I. S. (2003). Effect of music therapy on pain, discomfort and depression for fracture patients in lower extremities (Unpublished master's thesis). Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea.

4) Cited from secondary materials :
It shall be declared that secondary materials are cited from primary materials.

Example: Staddon, J. E. (2001). Adaptive dynamics: The theoretical Institute of Technology Press.

* In the text, it should be clearly stated in the primary data (as cited in ~).

Example: Collier presented a somewhat unusual schema related to the “feeding strategies” of rats (as cited in Staddon, 2001)

Example: If Lee's work is cited in Kim's work, write the following in the references:

Kim, S. N. (1999). A structural model for quality of life in women having hysterectomies.
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 29, 161-173.

* Text: Lee's study (quoted in Kim, 1999)

5) Proceedings at a conference

(1) Published symposium

  • Example: Le Prohn, N. S. (Ed.). (2002). Assessing youth behavior using the child behavior checklist in family and children’s services. In Proceedings from the Child Behavior Checklist Roundtable. Washington, DC: CWLA

(2) Unpublished conference data

  • Example: Lankntree, C., & Briere, J. (1991, January). Early data on the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children(TSC-C). Paper presented at the meeting of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of children, San Diage, CA.

6) Unpublished articles

(1) If not published

  • Example: Kim, H. W. (2006). Integrative perspectives on premenstrual syndrome. unpublished manuscript.

(2) If you belong to a university

  • Example: Depret., E. F., & Fiske, S. T. (1993). Perceiving the powerful: Intriguing individuals versus threatening groups. Unpublished manuscript, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

7) Web resources

(1) If the author is an institution

  • Example: National wage data. (2004). Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved January 19, 2005, from http://www.bls.gov/bls/blswage.htm# National

(2) If the author is an individual

  • Example: Ray, O. (2004). How the mind hurts and heals the body. American Psychologist, 59, 29-40. Retrieved January 12, 2005, from http://www.apa.org/journals/amp/amp59129.pdf

Table, Figure, Picture

1. Tables and figures, including illustrations and photos, should be presented or described in English. The figures should be on separate pages.

2. In the case of qualitative research, if it is deemed impossible to convey the meaning of a table or figure in English, it can be expressed in Korean after approval of the Publication Committee.

3. All tables and figures should be easy to understand, even when presented separately from the rest of the manuscript, and should present information relevant to the study.

4. The total number of tables and figures is no more than 5 in a manuscript.

5. Table formatting

  • 1) All lines are to be single. Vertical lines should not be used.
  • 2) The title of a table should appear above the table. Within the title, the first letter of important words should be capitalized (title case).
    • Example : Table 1. Overall Responses (Security to Insecurity) to Question Types
  • 3) Tables should be numbered consecutively, e.g., Table 1., Table 2., and so on.
  • 4) Table data should be explained in footnotes. All abbreviations used in the tables should be defined in the footnotes to every table in which they appear.
    • Example : HR=Heart rate; T=Temperature
  • 5) When making reference to the footnotes section, these symbols should be used in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, ∥, ¶, #, **, ††. The footnotes should appear below the table, and each should follow the relevant symbol.
    • Example: *=Surviving case; †=Deceased case.
  • 6) If the value of a decimal exceeds 1, a 0 should appear before the decimal point; otherwise, nothing should appear before the decimal point.
    • Example: t=0.26, F=0.92
    • Example: p<.001, r=.01, R2=.61
  • 7) The statistical significance (p value) should be written without a footnote and should be rounded to three decimal places.
    (For example: p=.003)
    • If p is 0.000, then indicate that p is less than 0.001 (p<.001).
    • If p is 1.000, then indicate that p is greater than 0.999 (p>.999).
  • 8) Percentage (%) should be rounded off to one decimal place (e.g., 24.7%); a test statistic, such as t, F, χ2, r, should be rounded off to two decimal places (e.g., t=0.26, F=0.98, R2=.61).

6. Paintings and Photograph Format Rules

  • 1) The title should appear below an image. Only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized
    • Example: Figure 1. Mean responses to questions by student grade categories.
  • 2) The size of the image should be 102 × 152 mm (4 × 6 inches). Larger images may be permitted; however, each image should not exceed 203 × 254 mm (8 × 10 inches).
  • 3) If one figure contains 2 or more images, consecutive alphabet letters should be used to distinguish among the images.
    • Example: Figure 1-A, Figure 1-B
  • 4) In the case of a photomicrograph of a tissue sample, the region from which the tissue was extracted from and the staining method should be noted. The magnification scale must be included.
  • 5) The following symbols should be used in graphs in the following order:
    ●, □, ▲, ◆, ○, □, △, ◇

Review process

1. Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by three reviewers.

2. They are peer reviewed by qualified reviewers of submission to determine whether they adhere to the journal’s policies and fit the submission guidelines. The editor-in-chief of KSCCN will make the final decision regarding the manuscript’s publication based on the reviewers’ comments and the scientific merits of the manuscript.

3. According to the reviewers’ recommendations, the authors should revise the manuscript with presentation in red and submit revised manuscripts with table for reaction to the reviewer’s recommendations via submission system as soon as possible.

4. The author is responsible for the following fees: a publication fee, a special typesetting fee, and the printing fee for each volume of the paper.

5. Details of review are subject to separate disciplines review.

Regulatory Update Notice

1. This regulation shall be enforce in January 2017.
1. This regulation shall enforce in July 2018.

Editorial Office
GW School of Nursing Foggy Bottom 1919 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20006, USA
Tel: +82-55-9304    Fax: +82-55-380-9305    E-mail: ksccn.editor.2022@gmail.com                

Copyright © 2025 by The Korean Society of Critical Care Nursing.

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