J Korean Crit Care Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing 2012;5(1):56-66.
Published online June 30, 2012.

의료진의 가정용 인공호흡기 관련 지식 정도와 교육요구도 조사
조수현, 고명균, 정진희, 원선영, 이희옥, 남지명, 위미숙, 이영희
7삼성서울병원, 중환자간호팀
8성균관대학교 임상간호대학원
A Survey on Nurses' and Physicians' Knowledge and Educational Needs on Home Ventilator
Soo-Hyun Cho, Myeong-Gyun Go, Jin-Hee Jung, Sun-Young Won, Hee-Og Lee, Ji-Myoung Nam, Mi-Sook Oui, Young-Hee Yi
1Critical Care Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center
2Critical Care Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center
3Critical Care Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center
4Critical Care Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center
5Critical Care Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center
6Critical Care Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center
7Critical Care Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center
8Department of Clinical Nursing Science, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyungkwan University School of Medicine
The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge and educational needs of nurses and physicians on home ventilator.
The participants were 140 nurses and 47 physicians working at departments using home ventilators. The data were collected from January 30 to February 12, 2012 through a self-administered questionnaire with 32 items of the knowledge and educational needs on home ventilator.
The mean scores of nurses' and physicians' knowledge were 2.52 and 2.56 respectively. The mean scores of nurses' and physicians' educational needs were 3.16 and 3.06 respectively. Nurses' knowledge was associated with their experience using and receiving education about home ventilator and willingness to receive education about home ventilator education. Nurses' educational needs were associated with their present working department and experience using home ventilator. Nurses with high knowledge were more likely to have high educational needs. Physicians' knowledge and educational needs were not associated with any their general characteristics.
Nurses' and physicians' knowledge of home ventilator were low and their educational needs on home ventilator were high. To provide high quality of care for home ventilators, it is necessary to provide nurses and physicians with education and to develop a more specific educational program for them.
Key Words: Nurses, Physicians, Ventilator, Knowledge, Educational Needs

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