자가보고 능력이 없는 중환자의 통증사정을 위한 한국어판 Critical Care Pain Observation Tool의 신뢰도와 타당도 검증 |
이희옥, 김연수, 이창옥, 허성이, 권인각 |
1삼성서울병원 2삼성서울병원 3삼성서울병원 4삼성서울병원 진료지원파트 5삼성서울병원 암센터 간호부 |
Reliability and Validity of a Korean Version of the Critical Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) for ICU Patients Unable to Self Report |
Hee Og Lee, Yeon Su Kim, Chang Ok Lee, Sung Yi Hur, In Gak Kwon |
1Critical Care Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center 2Critical Care Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center 3Critical Care Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center 4Critical Care Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center 5Department of Clinical Nursing Science, Samsung Medical Center |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of a Korean version of the Critical Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) developed for assessment of pain in critically ill nonverbal patients. Methods Data were collected from a convenience sample of 30 critically ill patients admitted to a medical ICU in a hospital. The CPOT was tested at before, during and 20 minutes after changing a position and suction. Upon establishment of content and translation equivalence between the English and Korean version of CPOT. Results The interrater reliability was found to be acceptable with the kappa coefficients of .76-1. The construct validity of the pain scores were increased from 0.43 to 2.5 in changing a position (t=-8.60, p<.001)and 0.1 to 3.23 (t=-9.36, p<.001) in suctioning. The pain scores were decreased from 6.06 to 4.01 in changing a position (t=-10.19, p<.001) and 6.45 to 4.13 (t=-10.39, p<.001) in suctioning. The concurrent validity the correlations between pain scores and physiological indicators, and a increased in Heart rate before and after changing a position (r=.65, p<.001). Conclusion The CPOT can be used as a reliable and valid measure to assess pain in critically ill nonverbal a medical ICU patients. |
Key Words:
Pain, Pain measurement, Intensive care units, Critical care, CPOT |