경장영양요법 간호실무지침 수용개작 |
최은녀, 송호숙, 최정은, 서지영, 김희수, 남경화, 박민정, 이혜진, 황명진, 박지원 |
1강동대학교 간호과 2인하대병원 3동남보건대학교 간호과 4수원여자대학교 5삼육서울병원 6한림대학교성심병원 7신경대학교 간호학과 8순천향대학교부천병원 9아주대학교병원 10아주대학교 간호대학 |
Adaptation of Enteral Tube Feeding (ETF) Nursing Practice Guideline |
Eun Nyer Choi, Hosook Song, Jeong Eun Choi, Ji Young Seo, Heesoo Kim, Kyung Hwa Nam, Min Jeong Park, Hyejin Lee, Myeong Jin Hwang, Jee Won Park |
1Department of Nursing, Gangdong University 2Inha University Hospital 3Department of Nursing, Dongnam Health College 4Department of Nursing, Suwon Women's College 5Sahmyook Medical Center 6Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital 7Department of Nursing, Shingyeong University 8Soonchunhyang University Hospital 9Ajou University Hospital 10College of Nursing, Ajou University |
Abstract |
Purpose This study was conducted to develop a Korean version of evidence-based enteral tube feeding (ETF) guidelines through adaptation of existing ETF guidelines. Methods The guideline adaptation process was conducted into 24 steps according to a manual for guideline adaptation version 2.0 developed by NECA. Results The adapted ETF nursing practice guideline was consisted of 9 domains and 20 recommendations, including confirmation of tube placement, risk of aspiration, assessment gastric residual volume, body positioning, treating feeding tube occlusion, administration rate, medication, tube flushes, and interruption of feeding. The results of the grading of recommendations assessment by expert penal showed that 8 recommendations in Grade A, 4 in grade B, and 8 in Grade C were emerged from the process. The range of content validity index scores by expert penal was 0.8-1.0. Conclusion It is expected that the adapted ETF nursing practice guideline could be helpful for nurses to practice evidence-based ETF for their patients. |
Key Words:
Enteral tube feeding, Practice guideline, Evidence based nursing, Adaptation |