J Korean Crit Care Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing 2017;10(1):31-40.
Published online February 28, 2017.

수술실 간호사의 직무스트레스, 회복탄력성, 전문직 정체성이 소진에 미치는 영향
임은진, 이윤미
1부산보훈병원 수술실
2인제대학교 간호학과, 건강과학연구소
Influence of the Job Stress, Resilience, and Professional Identity on Burnout in Operation Room Nurses
Eun Jin Lim, Yun Mi Lee
1Staff Nurse, Operation Room, Busan Bohun Hospital, Busan, Korea.
2Professor, Department of Nursing, Institute of Health Science, Inje University, Busan, Korea. lym312@inje.ac.kr
The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing on burnout in operating room nurses.
Using a cross-sectional design, a total of 109 operating room nurses working at 7 general hospitals with 300 beds or more in B city were analyzed. The instruments used for this study assessed job stress, resilience, professional identity, and burnout. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, a t-test, an ANOVA, a Pearson's correlation coefficient and a multiple regression analysis.
There was a statistically significant correlation between burnout and job stress (r=.53, p < .001), resilience (r=-.59, p < .001), and professional identity (r=-.47, p < .001). The factors influencing burnout include job stress (β=.27, p < .001), resilience(β=-.37, p < .001), dissatisfaction with the nursing job (β=.32, p < .001), and moderate satisfaction with the nursing job (β=.19, p=.014), and the explanatory power was 53.0%.
The results suggest that intervention to reduce job stress and to improve resilience, which were the factors influencing burnout in operating room nurses, is necessary.
Key Words: Nurses, Stress, Resilience, Identity, Burnout
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