허혈성 심질환자의 질병관련지식, 불안 및 환자역할행위 이행과의 관계 |
박병남, 김용순, 현명선, 유문숙 |
1아주대학교 의료원 2아주대학교 간호대학 3아주대학교 간호대학 4아주대학교 간호대학 |
A Study on the Correlations among Knowledge, Anxiety and Compliance of Patient Role Behavior of Outpatients with Myocardial Ischemia |
Boung-Nam Park, Young-Soon Kim, Moung-Seon Hyun, Moon-Sook Yoo |
1Ajou University Medical Center 2College of Nursing, Ajou University 3College of Nursing, Ajou University 4College of Nursing, Ajou University |
Abstract |
Purpose This study is to provide effective care to each individual with myocardial ischemia by finding out how the patient's knowledge related to the disease and anxiety level affect his/her compliance of patient role behavior. Methods The subjects of study were 100 patients diagnosed as ischemic heart disease at a university hospital located in Gyeonggi Province. The data were collected from May 19, 2008 to August 30, 2008. A cross-sectional descriptive survey was done using a structured questionnaires. Results The average score of knowledge level about myocardial ischemia was $22.24pm5.07$(out of 31), anxiety level was $54.68pm9.15$(out of 80), and compliance of patient role behavior was $34.28pm6.00$(out of 50). A significant correlation between the patient's level of knowledge and his/her compliance of patient role behavior was found(r=0.239 p=0.017). The patients who are females, singles, without occupation, have a long term being diagnosed, under-educated, tend to be excellent in their compliance. Conclusion The patient with a higher level of knowledge is better in his/her compliance of patient role behavior. Therefore, it is suggested that we need to develop nursing intervention to increase knowledge level as well as consistent educational support. |
Key Words:
Myocardial Ischemia, Knowledge, Anxiety, Compliance |