수술실 간호사의 혈행성 감염 예방에 대한 지식, 인식 및 수행 |
박수진, 김금순 |
1서울대학교병원 통합물류실 2서울대학교 간호대학 |
The knowledge, perception and compliance to prevent from blood borne infection for operating room nurses |
Soo-Jin Park, Keum-Soon Kim |
1Logistics Department, Seoul National University Hospital 2College of Nursing, SNU |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was to identify the knowledge, perception and compliance to prevent from blood borne infection for the nurses working at operating room. Methods The data was collected from the questionnaire surveying 330 operating room nurses from 7 different hospitals located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do from February 11 to March 7 2008. The instrument for perception and compliance to prevent from blood borne infection was 24-item questionnaire, which had been developed by Choi(2005). In addition, to find out the knowledge level of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, AIDS and handling of syringes, 19-item questionnaire was used, which was developed by researcher based on Kim(2003) and Choi(2005). Results The average score of the knowledge was 14.42. The average perception was 4.51 out of 5.00. The average compliance was 3.91 out of 5.00. The correlation among the knowledge, perception and compliance to prevent from blood borne infection showed that there was positive correlation between the knowledge and perception(r= .234, p= .000) and also it was positive between perception and compliance(r= .415, p= .000). Conclusion To improve compliance to prevent from blood borne infection for operating room nurses, it should be studied to enhance the perception to prevent from blood borne infection. Moreover, the operating room should be equipped with protective devices and written safety guidelines. |
Key Words:
Infection control, Knowledge, Perception, Compliance, Needlestick injury |