다약제 내성균 감염관리지침에 대한 간호학생의 지식과 수행정도 |
강지연, 이용옥, 윤선영, 강정희, 박소희 |
1동아대학교 간호학과 2고신대학교 복음병원 외과계중환자실 3동아대학교 대학원 간호학과 4양산 부산대학교병원 복막투석실 5동아대학교의료원 신경계중환자실 |
Nursing Students' Knowledge and Compliance with Multidrug-resistant Organism Infection Control Guidelines |
Ji-Yeon Kang, Young-Ock Lee, Seon-Young Yun, Jeong-Hee Kang, So-Hee Park |
1Department of Nursing, Dong-A University. 2SICU, Kosin University Gaspel Hospital 3Department of Nursing, Dong-A University 4Pusan Nasional University Yangsan Hospital 5NCU, Dong-A University Medical Center |
Abstract |
Purpose This study was done to investigate knowledge of and compliance with the multidrug-resistant organism (MDRO) infection control guidelines among student nurses on clinical practicum, Methods survey questionnaire on MORO infection control was administered to a convenience sample of 259 nursing students from 3 different nursing schools Results The mean knowledge score was 28.01/39 (71.82%). The percentages of correct answers for basic concepts, route of transmission, hand washing/ protective devices and environment management, were 55.40, 81.14, 84.94 and 69.17 respectively. The mean compliance score was 3.83/5. The compliance scores for education, communication, contact precaution, environment management, and hand washing were 3.06, 3.33, 3.86, 4.50, 3.92 and 4.29 respectively. 96.9% of subjects knew that they should wash hands after touching MORO patient while only 22.8% of subjects knew how to collect samples for VRE surveillance culture, The highest compliant item was hand washing after touching MORO patient. The Lo-west compliant item was referring to infection control manual. Conclusion Comprehensive MDRO infection control education programs for nursing students should be developed to decrease MORO infection. |
Key Words:
Nursing Student, Infection control, Knowledge, Compliance, Education |