J Korean Crit Care Nurs Search


Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing 2011;4(2):1-14.
Published online December 31, 2011.

중환자전문간호사들의 실무경험: 포커스 그룹 연구
김금순, 김복자, 이영희, 강지연
1서울대학교 간호대학
2울산대학교 산업대학원 임상전문간호학과
3성균관대학교 의과대학 임상간호학교실
4동아대학교 간호학과
Korean Critical Care Advanced Practice Nurses' Work Experience: A Focus Group Study
Keum-Soon Kim, Bok-Ja Kim, Young-Hee Yi, Ji-Yeon Kang
1College of Nursing, Seoul National University
2Department of Clinical Nursing, University of Ulsan
3Department of Clinical Nursing Science, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
4Department of Nursing, Dong-A University
This study was aimed to understand and describe the Korean critical care advanced practice nurses' work experience.
Data was collected through 2 focus group interviews that were held in two different university hospitals in Seoul, Korea. All interviews were recorded and transcribed, and data were analysed using modified qualitative content analysis.
Ten themes were drawn from data analysis. They are "Various and complex tasks", "Excellency of advanced nursing practice", "Pressure and responsibility accompanied with pride", "Role identity confusion", "Role conflict", "Leaping and evolving role", "Gap between role and outcome evaluation", "Underestimated outcomes", "Where are my outcomes?" "Searching for outcomes: publicize the role".
The results of this study help to understand the role of Korean critical care advanced practice nurses and to guide to outcome evaluation of their role effectiveness. Developing qualitative outcome indicators, cost-effectiveness ananlysis of Korean critical care advanced practice nurses' role, and accumulation of evidences through researches on outcome evaluation will be needed to successfully settle down advanced practice nursing in Korea.
Key Words: Advanced practice nursing, Focus groups, Qualitative research, Role, Outcome assessment

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